Di seguito sono riportate le mie principali pubblicazioni, organizzate per tipologia e anno.
Articoli Pubblicati su Riviste Nazionali e Internazionali
National and International Journals
Ponzo F.C., Auletta G., Ielpo P., Ditommaso R. (2024). DInSAR–SBAS satellite monitoring of infrastructures: how temperature affects the “Ponte della Musica” case study. Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring, Volume 14, pages 745–761. Link al documento pdf:
Ditommaso R., Ponzo F.C. (2024). Identifying Damage in Structures: Definition of Thresholds to Minimize False Alarms in SHM Systems. Buildings,14(3):821. DOI: Link al documento:
Ditommaso R., Lamarucciola N., Ponzo F.C. (2024). Prediction of the fundamental period of infilled RC framed structures considering the maximum inter-story drift at different design limit states. Structures. DOI: Link al documento:
Cataldo A., Roselli I., Fioriti V., Saitta F., Colucci A., Tatì A., Ponzo F.C., Ditommaso R., Mennuti C., Marzani A. (2023). Advanced Video-Based Processing for Low-Cost Damage Assessment of Buildings under Seismic Loading in Shaking Table Tests. Sensors, 23(2023) 5303. Link:
Ditommaso R., Iacovino C., Auletta G., Parolai S., Ponzo F. C. (2021). Damage detection and localization on real structures subjected to strong motion earthquakes using the curvature evolution method: the Navelli (Italy) case Study. Applied Sciences, 11(14), 6496. DOI: Link:
Ponzo F.C., Iacovino C., Ditommaso R., Bonano M., Lanari R., Soldovieri F., Cuomo V., Bozzano F., Ciampi P., Rompato M. (2021). Transport Infrastructure SHM Using Integrated SAR Data and On-Site Vibrational Acquisitions: “Ponte Della Musica–Armando Trovajoli” Case Study. Applied Sciences, 11(14):6504. DOI: Link:
Serlenga, V., Gallipoli, M. R., Ditommaso, R., Ponzo, C. F., Tragni, N., Perrone, A., Stabile, T. A., Calamita, G., Vignola, L., Carso, R. F., Pietrapertosa, D., & Lapenna, V. (2021). An integrated approach for structural behavior characterization of the Gravina Bridge (Matera, Southern Italy). Structural Health Monitoring, 20(6), 3371–3391. DOI: Link:
Iacovino C., Ditommaso R., Ponzo F.C., Limongelli M.P. (2018). The Interpolation Evolution Method for damage localization in structures under seismic excitation. Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 47, 2117–2136. DOI: Link:
Gerardi V., Ditommaso R., Auletta G., Ponzo F.C. (2018). Reinforced concrete framed structures: numerical validation of two physical models capable to consider the stiffness contribution of infill panels on framed structures in operative conditions. Ingegneria Sismica, 2018, 35, 1–21. Link.
Ditommaso R., Ponzo F.C. (2015). Automatic evaluation of the fundamental frequency variations and related damping factor of reinforced concrete framed structures using the Short Time Impulse Response Function (STIRF). Engineering Structures, Vol. 82, pp. 104-112. DOI: Link:
Ditommaso R., Ponzo F.C., Auletta G. (2015). Damage detection on framed structures: modal curvature evaluation using Stockwell Transform under seismic excitation. Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration, Volume 14, Issue 2, pp. 265-274. DOI: Link:
Ponzo F.C., Ditommaso R., Auletta G., Iacovino C., Mossucca A., Nigro A. and Nigro D. (2014). Localization of damage occurred on framed structures: Analysis of the geometric characteristics of the fundamental mode shape. Ingegneria Sismica, Vol. 31, Issue 3. Link:
Ditommaso R., Vona M., Masi A., Mucciarelli M., Ponzo F.C. (2014). Framed structures: Detection of building torsional modes using a simplified experimental approach. Ingegneria Sismica, Vol. 31, Issue 3. Link:
Ditommaso R., Vona M., Gallipoli M.R., Mucciarelli M. (2013). Evaluation and considerations about fundamental periods of damaged reinforced concrete buildings. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 2013, 13(7), pp. 1903–1912. DOI:, 2013. Link:
Stabile T.A., Perrone A., Gallipoli M.R., Ditommaso R., Ponzo F.C. (2013). Dynamic survey of the Musmeci bridge by joint application of ground-based microwave radar interferometry and ambient noise standard spectral ratio techniques. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 2013, 10(4), pp. 870–874. DOI: 10.1109/LGRS.2012.2226428. Link:
Ditommaso R., Mucciarelli M., Ponzo F. C. (2012). Analysis of non-stationary structural systems by using a band-variable filter. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, Volume 10, Number 3, pp. 895-911. DOI: Link:
Ditommaso R., Mucciarelli M., Parolai S., Picozzi M. (2012). Monitoring the structural dynamic response of a masonry tower: comparing classical and time-frequency analyses. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, Volume 10, Number 4, pp. 1221-1235. DOI: Link:
A. Masi, L. Chiauzzi, F. Braga, M. Mucciarelli, M. Vona, R. Ditommaso (2011). Peak and integral seismic parameters of L'Aquila 2009 ground motions: observed vs code provision values. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, Volume 9, Number 1, pp. 139-156. DOI: Link:
M. Mucciarelli, M. Bianca, R. Ditommaso, M.R. Gallipoli, A. Masi, C Milkereit, S. Parolai, M. Picozzi, M. Vona (2011). Far field damage on RC buildings: the case study of Navelli during the L’Aquila (Italy) seismic sequence, 2009. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, Volume 9, Number 1, pp. 263-283. DOI: Link:
R. Puglia, R. Ditommaso, F. Pacor, M. Mucciarelli, L. Luzi, M. Bianca (2011). Frequency variation in site response over long and short time scales, as observed from strong motion data of the L’Aquila (2009) seismic sequence. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, Volume 9, Number 3, pp. 869-892. DOI: Link:
Marco Mucciarelli, Marcello Bianca, Rocco Ditommaso, Marco Vona, Maria Rosaria Gallipoli, Alessandro Giocoli, Sabatino Piscitelli, Enzo Rizzo, Matteo Picozzi (2011). Peculiar earthquake damage on a reinforced concrete building in San Gregorio (L’Aquila, Italy): site effects or building defects? Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, Volume 9, Number 3, pp. 825-840. DOI: Link:
M. Picozzi, S. Parolai, M. Mucciarelli, C. Milkereit, D. Bindi, R. Ditommaso, M. Vona, M.R. Gallipoli, and J. Zschau (2011). Interferometric Analysis of Strong Ground Motion for Structural Health Monitoring: The Example of the L’Aquila, Italy, Seismic Sequence of 2009. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, Vol. 101, No. 2, pp. 635–651, April 2011, DOI: Link:
Ponzo F. C., Ditommaso R., Auletta G., Mossucca A. (2010). A Fast Method for Structural Health Monitoring of Italian Strategic Reinforced Concrete Buildings. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, Volume 8, Number 6, pp. 1421-1434. DOI: Link:
Ditommaso, R., Mucciarelli, M., Gallipoli, M. R., Ponzo, F. C. (2010). Effect of a single vibrating building on free-field ground motion: numerical and experimental evidences. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, Volume 8, Number 3, pp. 693-703. DOI: Link:
Rocco Ditommaso, Marco Mucciarelli, Marco Vona, Maria De Bonis, Angelo Masi (2010). Valutazione delle caratteristiche meccaniche del calcestruzzo mediante misure di velocità di onde acustiche. Il Giornale delle Prove non Distruttive Monitoraggio Diagnostica, Anno XXXI, numero 1, Marzo 2010, ISSN 1721-7075. Miscellaneous Publications. e-Journal of Nondestructive Testing, Vol. 15(11). Link:
M. Picozzi, R. Ditommaso, S. Parolai, M. Mucciarelli, C. Milkereit, M. Sobiesiak, D. Di Giacomo, M.R. Gallipoli, M. Pilz, M. Vona and J. Zschau (2010). Real time monitoring of structures in task-force missions: the example of the Mw = 6.3 Central Italy Earthquake, April 6, 2009. Natural Hazards. Volume 52, Number 2, pp. 253-256. DOI: Link:
Ditommaso, R., Parolai, S., Mucciarelli, M., Eggert, S., Sobiesiak, M. and Zschau, J. (2010). Monitoring the response and the back-radiated energy of a building subjected to ambient vibration and impulsive action: the Falkenhof Tower (Potsdam, Germany). Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, Volume 8, Number 3, pp. 705-722. DOI: Link:
M. Picozzi, C. Milkereit, C. Zulfikar, K. Fleming, R. Ditommaso, M. Erdik, J. Zschau, J. Fischer, E. Safak, O. Özel, N. Apaydin (2010). Wireless technologies for the monitoring of strategic civil infrastructures: an ambient vibration test on the Fatih Sultan Mehmet Suspension Bridge in Istanbul, Turkey. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, Volume 8, Number 3, pp. 671-691. DOI: Link:
Articoli Pubblicati in Atti di Convegno Nazionali e Internazionali
Ponzo, F.C., Auletta, G., Ielpo, P., Ditommaso, R. (2024). Using a Calibrated Model to Analyse the Vertical Displacements of a Bridge Produced by Air Temperature Variations. In: Rainieri, C., Gentile, C., Aenlle López, M. (eds) Proceedings of the 10th International Operational Modal Analysis Conference (IOMAC 2024). IOMAC 2024. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, vol 515. Springer, Cham.
Ponzo F.C., Ditommaso R., Auletta G., Ielpo P. (2023). Numerical Model Calibration of a Bridge by Using Inverse Engineering: A Case Study. In: Limongelli, M.P., Giordano, P.F., Quqa, S., Gentile, C., Cigada, A. (eds) Experimental Vibration Analysis for Civil Engineering Structures. EVACES 2023. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, vol 432. Springer, Cham.
F.C. Ponzo, R. Ditommaso, G. Auletta, N. Lamarucciola, P. Ielpo (2023). Analyses Of Criticalities On The Use Of Satellite Data On Deformable Infrastructures: the “Ponte Della Musica-Armando Trovajoli” Case Study. 41st National Conference GNGTS. Bologna, 7-9 February 2023.
Ponzo F.C., Ditommaso R., Auletta G., Lamarucciola N., Ielpo P. (2022). Structural Health monitoring of transport infrastructures: preliminary experimental calibration of the numerical model of “Ponte della Musica – Armando Trovajoli”. XIX ANIDIS Conference, Seismic Engineering in Italy. Procedia Structural Integrity, 44 (2023) 854–861. DOI:
Ditommaso R., Scozzese F., Mossucca A., Auletta G., Di Cesare A., Nigro D., Zona A., Ponzo F.C. and Dall'Asta A. (2023). Preliminary Results in the Design and Testing of Earthquake-Proof Glass-Aluminium Partition Walls. In: Cimellaro, G.P. (eds) Seismic Isolation, Energy Dissipation and Active Vibration Control of Structures. WCSI 2022. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, vol 309. Springer, Cham.
Volumi e Linee Guida
Advanced Research in Seismic Resilience of Structures and Infrastructures. Special Issue of Applied Sciences, section "Civil Engineering". Guest Editors: Felice Carlo Ponzo, Antonio Di Cesare, Rocco Ditommaso. ISSN 2076-3417.
Massimo Bavusi, Romeo Bernini, Vincenzo Lapenna, Antonio Loperte, Francesco Soldovieri, Felice Carlo Ponzo, Antonio Di Cesare and Rocco Ditommaso (2012). Electromagnetic sensing techniques for non-destructive diagnosis of civil engineering structures. Earthquake Research and Analysis / Book 4. InTech. ISBN: 979-953-307-680-4.
Paolo Di Marcantonio, Rocco Ditommaso (2012). Effetti dell’irregolarità strutturale e dell’interazione dinamica terreno-struttura: tre casi studio. Tecniche speditive per la stima dell’amplificazione sismica e della dinamica degli edifici. Aracne Editrice. ISBN: 978-88-548-4495-7.
Rocco Ditommaso, Marco Mucciarelli (2012). Influenza dell’edificato su misure accelerometriche e di microtremore. Tecniche speditive per la stima dell’amplificazione sismica e della dinamica degli edifici. Aracne Editrice. ISBN: 978-88-548-4495-7.
R. Ditommaso, M. R. Gallipoli, M. Mucciarelli, M. Vona (2011). Damage level vs fundamental frequencies of damaged RC buildings. Gianfranco Valente, Yutaka Nakamura, Gino D'Ovidio, Antonio Rovelli. The Dynamic Interaction of Soil and Structure. L’Aquila, 19 March 2010. Aracne Editrice, 2011. ISBN: 978-88-548-3693-8.
F.C. Ponzo, A. Di Cesare, C. Moroni, D. Nigro, R. Ditommaso, G. Auletta, M. Dolce (2009). JET-PACS project: comparison of several energy dissipation bracing systems. Tecnologie per l’isolamento ed il controllo di strutture ed infrastrutture. Atti del seminario conclusivo della Linea 7 del progetto di ricerca DPC-ReLUIS 2005-2008. ISBN: 978-88-596-0656-7.
Marco Mucciarelli, Rocco Ditommaso, Maria Rosaria Gallipoli and Felice Ponzo (2008). Effect of Building-Building Interaction on “Free-Field” Ground Motion. Second Chapter on “Increasing Seismic Safety by Combining Engineering Technologies and Seismological Data”. NATO Science for Peace and Security Series C: Environmental Security. Springer. ISBN 978-1-4020-9196-4, 141-145.